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Our Story

The summer after 8th grade, we realized that there are a lot of kids that aren't getting the education we are so grateful to have. We wanted to find a way we could help kids like us while balancing our busy schedule. We brainstormed ideas on how we could help and realized that school materials and books are the most basic things that can help a child improve their performance in school. We also realized that we, and many others at our school, have leftover supplies at the end of the year that could be very useful. After that, we began researching schools that need help and contacting people and groups that we believed would be willing to help us build this project up.


The People Who've Helped Us Along the Way

Texas Police Association

Grisham Middle School

Canyon Creek Elementary


What can you do to help?

See our donate page or our projects page to find out more about what we do.

Who we Are

Kate Donald and Noelle Rivera are the co-founders of Resource Reach Out. They began this project in July of 2012. They are currently juggling both this project and high school and need your help to give children a better chance at education!

Our Goals:

1. Provide for students

Our biggest goal is to help students have a more successful school experience. This is important to us because of the difference education can make in someones life. Many stidents do not have access to basic school supplies, making school very difficult. If we can give students acccess to these materials, they can have a more successful year.


2. Encourage more community service among young people.

All the members of Resource Reach Out are under 18. We believe that you don't have to be an adult to make a difference. We hope to encourage more young people to strive to make a difference, and to see their worth even at a young age.



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